An Organization providing free medical treatment for poor and needy patients.

On may 28th 1978, in the prime of his youth, the sudden and shocking demise of Dr.Kurian John Melamparambil`s father, Mr. M.V John due to a Cardiac arrest made him stop, think and realize the value of life. As it was a Sunday his family could not give his father the kind of treatment, which could have perhaps saved his life. He died soon after he had the attack. The dying man`s last words were, "Oh God free me from this pain!!". These last words of his father made a lasting impression on his son, Dr.Kurian John Melamparambil.

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  Melam Foundation is now open to corporates who wishes to help the poor and needy patients in their medical treatment through our strong network of hospitals and doctors.

  As part of the expansion program we already launched cancer awareness program in 500 schools at Kerala.